A Place For Awkward Moments To Shine

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Once in a Lifetime Chat Roulette Experience!

If you haven't gone to chatroulette.com yet, don't. It is a website that connects you via web cam to another random stranger somewhere in the world. This stranger will likely, based on my 2 experiences on the site, be a group of tween girls or boys making fun of you or a guy whacking off - both of which I would like to skip.

Paris Hilton, Perez and Ashton Kutcher have made appearances on there, so now everyone is going on in hopes of randomly being connected a celeb, but the only thing you're going to be connected with is an asshole. Literally.

Thankfully my good gal pal Dan went on chatroulette after bar close tonight with his equally drunk yet capable friend Andrew. They found an obese man "pleasuring" himself with what they thought was a glass dildo. A moment after they were connected the glass dildo broke. That is when they realized it was a glass BOTTEL.

Really? What did he think was going to happen?! Blood started gushing and glass shards starting falling out. BELCH!

I am sure Dan, like she always is, was blacked out, but her friend Andrew took a snapshot of this beautiful scene. This whole incident probably took 10 seconds. The look on Dan's face (in the hat) is PRICELESS!

Happy camming! And please, don't put weird things inside of you, you'll only end up in the ER and embarrassing yourself to death. Goodnight!

To see the uncensored pic, CLICK HERE. Warning: Extremely graphic and NSFW, but it's really funny.

Update: I decided to repost this post 7 months later due to the fact that it is the #1 most popular post here on Social Intercourse. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. We just launched a totally random video chat in English with better design and more features: http://www.blimko.com, we are currently in beta, is already in English and Spanish version with a greater number of features such as Search by gender (male, female or all) and a channel HOT +18.

